
Monday, May 16, 2011

PLAY: Going to the Market.

We have a wonderful farmer's market in our city that I absolutely adore.

It seems so simple, but on a Saturday morning, going to the market is one of my favorite weekend activities.

We don't always buy things, but I just love being in the atmosphere of the market.
Everyone is always so cheerful.
The farmers are so happy to share their vast knowledge and are generous with offering samples of their goods.
The shoppers tend not to be rushed or grouchy.
The creativity flourishes and it always makes me want to go home and try to create something new.
And the food is just so very good.

Food just picked from the earth has such a wonderful taste.

And you feel good supporting local, small farms.

If you have never been to your local farmer's market, consider going this week.  For me, it is much more than a shopping trip.  It is something so enjoyable and holds so many teachable moments for our children.

And I just love it so much!

Here is a link to farmer's markets across the US.  Happy shopping!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love going to the farmer's market as well! I am all about buying healthy locally grown fruits and friends are always like "ya ya we get it Lindsay!" haha. Just read your about me, what a great concept to have a blog where 3 sisters are involved! Great for bonding :)

    -following you right back!
     Delighted Momma


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